Share your insights to improve the ANZSCO classification for conservation and ecosystem management workforce
SUKH SANDHUSkills Impact is inviting feedback to enhance the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) for the conservation and ecosystem management workforce. Your input will help ensure that the classification accurately reflects the skills and requirements of this sector. This is particularly important, as the ANZSCO is a critical component of the apprenticeship system and informs various government initiatives, including the National Skills Needs List, education and training subsidies, and skilled migration programs.
Your opinion is required on the following questions:
Are there any inaccuracies in the description of occupations in the ANZSCO?
Do any of the occupation's skill levels need to be updated?
Should any of the occupations be reclassified under a different focus area from Scientific Research Services?
Do any of the occupations or specializations require a unique ANZSCO code?
Are there any emerging occupations that are not yet described in the ANZSCO?
To contribute your thoughts, please reach out to Industry Engagement Manager, Michelle Ingley-Smith, at michelle@skillsimpact.com.au or 03 9321 3526. Please note that the deadline to participate in the submission is April 18th.
Your valuable insights will help to ensure that the ANZSCO classification remains relevant and useful for the conservation and ecosystem management workforce, supporting its continued growth and development.